
与Andrew Biernat捉迷藏

男模Andrew Biernat原本是个滑板青年,身手可帅了~ 脱了衣服更是不得了!我的双眼无法离开他的屁股!出道没多久,他便大红大紫,还与摄影大师Tony Duran合作大片。

Andrew Biernat by Henry Wu



Style is what for you?

I think style isn’t about what you wear but how you wear it. If you feel confident and good and carry yourself in that manner you can make anything look stylish. But what I feel most comfortable in is a nice pair of Levi’s and a plain white t, sleeves rolled up.


Tell me about your diet plan for summer

I have been doing intermittent fasting for the past couple months and I’m really enjoying it. But my diet pretty much consists of boiled chicken, veggies, fruit, oatmeal, yogurt, eggs, protein shakes and lots of water.



What about your fitness plan?

I do two specific muscle groups a day. For example chest and triceps and I always do abs and cardio on top of that. I do this 7 days a week. No rest days!





What are your future projects?

I’m starting school in the fall to study Theatre and Acting. I’m very excited! Although I love modeling, I started with the intentions of getting comfortable in front of the camera to transitioning into acting.


  • HEIGHT 6"1"
  • SUIT 40" R
  • WAIST 31"
  • INSEAM 34"
  • SHOES 10.0 US


Andrew Biernat热力全开

火星大片 Andrew Biernat by Tony Duran

白色魅惑 Andrew Biernat

Supplementary 加菜

















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